After you have installed the app and started it the first time, you are asked to enter the password. The default is 1234 - you can change it later, but the first time you plug GSM dial turns up, use the default code.
Then, the following picture where you have to choose / enter the following:
Upper field: Select which country the GSM auto dial transferee is in (for the sake of country codes by SMS)
In the next field (GSM phone), type the mobile phone number that is associated with the GSM card you put in GSM auto dial transferee.
In the third field (GSM Password), enter the password for auto dial transferee and
NOT b> to the alarm system control panel or SIM card PIN (default password is 1234)
In the next field (#1), enter the phone number that controls the device.
In the next 7 (#2 to #8) fields to specify which other phone numbers dialed alarm.
In the lower field - can not be seen here - you specify how many times the GSM auto dial transferee must ring the alarm call. Once these settings are made, completed and saved them by pressing seen.