The alarm is only switched off when you press the white unlocked padlock on the remote control.
Stands alarm in
"HOME" mode, it will be activated if one of the sensors associated with HOME mode is activated.
False alarms and disturbances in the alarm system may occur if there are other SafeHome facilities nearby, or other wireless devices can cause interference on frequency. If you have not changed "house code", we recommend that you change this.
In all sensors, panels, sirens and remotes are four "jumpers" or contacts. These can be made in either position "on" or "off". One can therefore change its "house code" on all devices. Only devices with the same "house code" can communicate. All units and construction is set to the same from factory, but in this manual it is described how it changed.
If this does not clear, interference may come from other wireless devices such as remote heating system, wireless bells or things like that. If you have these, you can try to change the frequency of these.